Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Summer bake

I use the term "summer" loosely however this fresh cream and raspberry cake is perfect for dessert after a summer BBQ. This showstopper is again a dead simple cake recipe with some extra flourishes to make it look fab!

This cake doesn't keep for long so eat it on the day of making for the scrummiest results! But if your full, keep it in the fridge for  a couple of days.

Fresh Cream and Raspberry Chocolate Cake

Recipe summary: chocolate sponge with raspberry jam and fresh cream and chunks of raspberry filling. Melted milk chocolate topping with white chocolate chips and fresh raspberries.

Mix it up by using strawberries and kiwi or even frozen mixed berries depending on the season! Add a splash of lemon curd or juice to the whipped cream filling for a bit of extra fruit flavour.

Happy baking! 

Next post: super speedy sausage rolls and a idiot proof Victoria Sponge recipe. 

Cupcake debut

Two dead simple cupcake ideas to kick start this blogging adventure. These cakes are super fast and super tasty and uses minimal ingredients so are great on a budget!

Allsorts O'Cakes

Super easy vanilla sponge with vanilla buttercream topped with Allsorts. Great for making on a lazy Sunday with kids in tow!
Mix it up with a blob of strawberry jam for extra tastiness or add some food colouring to the buttercream to make these beauties stand out at a party!

These cakes aren't made with fresh cream so don't need to be kept in the fridge so you can add any sweet you like as a topping! Or add ALL your favourites at once!

Double Choccy Buns

Choccy buns with chunks of chocolate brownie. Perfect for making a simple bun a bit more special. Super easy, super fast, super tasty!
Melt some chocolate and sprinkle some hundreds and thousands on top to add a bit of colour.

Happy Baking!